ABN Helpline

Get help when you need it!

Help from qualified accountants and ABN representatives is right at your fingertips with email-based support through the ABN Helpline. Bookkeepers now have someone to turn to when they need professional advice and technical support.

The ABN team of qualified accountants is here to help answer your bookkeeping questions on BAS-related matters, GST, income tax, PAYG, superannuation, FBT, legal issues and any other topics relevant to bookkeeping. They can also provide an unbiased perspective on ethical issues that may arise or offer professional advice as a second opinion. If it’s reassurance and help on bookkeeping matters you need, look no further.

The ABN Helpline is one of a kind with qualified accountants offering one-on-one communication that is fast and reliable. Answers are only a click away and you have the reassurance that our response is private and professional every time.


  • Expert advice from qualified accountants on technical or ethical questions affecting members and/or their clients.
  • Written responses with explanations and reasoning.
  • Reassurance on issues you are not familiar with or experienced in.
  • Someone to turn to when you're in need of help.

Access for members

The ABN Helpline can be accessed through ABN’s member centre & ABN BAS. ABN Helpline operations vary according to the complexity of the question; responses can be expected within 1-3 business days.

Bookies Bulletin

Industry news and issues that affect you!

Keep up-to-date with the latest industry issues, tax office or legislation-related topics affecting bookkeepers both locally and nationally, and new developments within ABN.

The Bookies Bulletin is a widely respected industry publication, offering major industry developments, business building tips, bookkeeper marketing essentials, breaking changes from the Tax Office, ABN updates, member profiles, a Q&A section and more. Offering a wealth of information and advice, the Bookies Bulletin will keep you on your toes and get you thinking. You will always be at the forefront of current issues, allowing you to be better equipped to manage and build your business. The Bookies Bulletin is released bi-monthly with 6 issues a year.


  • Keep up-to-date with the bookkeeping industry issues that matter most
  • Business tips that will help you improve and grow your business
  • Stay informed about ABN’s new developments

Access for members

Members will receive an email notification whenever a new edition of the Bookies Bulletin is released. The publication is stored online in ABN’s Member Centre and can be downloaded, saved and accessed at any time. The site also houses a library of past editions.

Bookkeepers Knowledge Base

The technical support you need!

Imagine having access to your own library of technical help! The Bookkeepers Knowledge Base (BKB) publications can be downloaded and kept on file for when you need them, giving a catalogue of technical information right at your fingertips.

The BKB focuses on topics that matter most to bookkeepers and features detailed explanations, case studies and pro-forma journal entries, with an emphasis on GST tax codes and BAS treatments. Written purely for bookkeepers, the publication is essentially a how-to guide and is an invaluable tool to any bookkeeper wishing to maintain and improve their knowledge and skills.

ABN is committed to providing up-to-date information and will email members whenever the content of an earlier edition requires updating due to changes in laws.


  • A technical guide that can be referred to at any time
  • Continued Professional Education resource for you and/or your staff
  • Relevant information, written and tailored for bookkeepers
  • Reassurance whenever you need it

Access for members

As an ABN Member, you have unlimited access to the vast BookkeepersKnowledge Base (BKB) library through ABN’s Member Centre. You will receive an email notification whenever a new edition of the BKB is released, or when a previous edition is updated.

To see a full list of editions, or to purchase an edition if you are a non-member, click here.

My Bookkeeping Business

Develop better business practice!

Whether you’re starting up your business or looking at taking the next step in your business plan, don’t sit around wondering what should be done next - build solid business foundations and take your bookkeeping practice to new standards of professionalism with ABN’s My Bookkeeping Business.

The My Bookkeeping Business takes an in-depth look at key components (pillars) which are vital to running a successful bookkeeping practice, whether you’re a sole trader or run a business with employees. Each pillar houses an extensive range of short papers, practical tools and templates that you can use time and time again, allowing you to maximise efficiency and productivity, increase profits, and ultimately extract the most from your business.

ABN is committed to helping you develop your business by providing in-depth business knowledge and know-how. The My Bookkeeping Business is a valuable resource that every bookkeeper should utilise, no matter how big or small their business is.

My Bookkeeping Business offers:

Pillar I - Public Practice The Essentials prepares you with the fundamentals needed to face being a self employed or contract bookkeeper, and provides solid “Foundations for Success”.

Pillar II - Working With Accountants encompasses a range of materials that will help you build strong bookkeeper/accountant relationships. It includes The Accountant's Pack - a comprehensive framework for EOFY reporting.

Pillar III - Human Resources will equip you with the necessary tools, skills and resources for when you engage others to assist you with the growth of your bookkeeping practice.

Pillar IV - Bookkeeping Systemisation will show you how to systemise your business so that it can reach its maximum potential!

Pillar V - Marketing is designed to help educate bookkeepers on the options and tactics available to them, when evaluating Marketing strategies for their business.


  • Provides a framework for a professional bookkeeping business
  • Offers an extensive range of tools and resources
  • Explores many business techniques for maximising efficiency, productivity and ultimately, profit
  • Can be download and collated into a how-to manual which can be referred to at any time
  • Becomes a guiding path for when you need to know what comes next

Access for members

ABN’s My Bookkeeping Business can be accessed through the ABN Member Centre. Members can browse online and explore the various pillars and the suite of resources contained within each, or alternatively, download and store for quick and easy reference.

GST & PAYG Ready Reckoner

Get clever with your coding!

Introducing your quick and easy reference guide to GST & PAYG! Developed by ABN for the exclusive use of our members, this is the pre-eminent industry reference for GST coding, PAYG-Withholding and PAYG-Instalment.

For GST, it contains a comprehensive listing of transactions, and for each one, includes: hyperlinks to the relevant ATO Fact Sheets and ABN Bookkeepers Knowledge Base Editions, the likely treatment is for both suppliers and recipients, the applicable BAS label, and the likely tax code to be used across the four major accounting software packages.

For PAYG Withholding, it contains comprehensive coverage of the myriad of different payment types that can be made to employees, with hyperlinks to the relevant ATO Fact Sheet and clear guidance on whether PAYG withholding applies (and if so, which rates), which labels on BASs and Payment Summaries are affected, and whether Superannuation Guarantee Levy Applies.

On the PAYG Instalment front, it contains guidance on which income types do and don’t count toward the calculation of Instalment Income.


  • Helps to take any guesswork out of unfamiliar or difficult transactions
  • Offers clear guidance on PAYG Withholding & Instalment procedures
  • Maximises efficiency for you and/or your staff
  • Saves valuable time and effort in sourcing relevant information

Access for members

The Ready Reckoner can be accessed and downloaded from the ABN Member Centre.

The Buzz

Stay updated on industry issues that matter most!

Bookkeepers are now operating as registered accounting professionals who are subject to a professional Code of Conduct, and with the bookkeeping industry constantly growing and evolving, staying up-to-date with news from the Australian Taxation Office and the Tax Practitioners Board is more crucial than ever.

The Buzz is your one-way pass to the most important news developments happening in the bookkeeping industry. All important aspects of the latest news stories are summarised and include direct links to more information. The Buzz is distributed in an easy-to-read email format and, with access to their regular email account, it allows members to read the news, on the go, from their mobile and tablet devices.

ABN is committed to keeping members up-to-date with the latest news and information that affects their industry.


  • On the go, easy access to the latest industry news and information
  • Save valuable time and never go searching for important news again - instead have it delivered directly to you
  • Get prompted to take action where necessary - act swiftly on issues that affect you

Access for members

The Buzz is delivered to your inbox when only the most important industry news breaks. You can also forward the news to a friend who is not a member and they can choose to Opt In to receive The Buzz as well. To ensure The Buzz is not caught by your SPAM filter, simply add Australian Bookkeepers Network to your address book.

Getting Technical

Get it right!

As a registered professional you have an obligation to get things right. However, with the tax and GST laws becoming increasingly complex, this can sometimes prove challenging.

Getting Technical is an email publication that provides you with concise, practical guidance on technical issues that bookkeepers commonly face in practice.

ABN knows how important it is for bookkeepers to be leaders in their profession, so whether its GST, BAS, PAYG, FBT, Fuel tax credits, depreciation or payroll... ABN’s technical materials help you ensure you’ve got it covered.


  • Helps to relinquish bookkeeping mistakes by defining correct bookkeeping practices
  • Provides concise answers to commonly raised technical questions
  • Added convenience of accessing information directly from your inbox
  • Links are supplied for further technical support as appropriate

Access for members

Getting Technical is distributed to ABN member inboxes monthly, in a summarised and easy-to-read email format. Allowing you to print them, store them or share the information with your staff and stay on top of industry practices.

Business Bulletin

Build stronger Client Relationships!

Building and maintaining successful client relationships is the cornerstone of your business! However, showing your clients you care about their business and maintaining regular communication can be tricky and time consuming. Introducing the ABN Business Bulletin - a quality business newsletter that you can personalise and send out to your clients. Developed quarterly by ABN, the bulletin offers easy reading and insightful financial articles that your clients can relate to, regardless of their industry.

At ABN we understand the importance of running a successful business and the daily challenges which arise, that's why the Business Bulletin focuses on the topics and issues that affect business owners most. The Bulletin is cleverly written with relevant business news, business tips and features to help your clients in making their business a success. It approaches a wide range of topics, from managing Human Resources to explaining complicated taxation law changes and what it can mean for your client.


  • Is designed to be personalised with your business details and a personal message
  • Delivers a form of two-way-communication between you and your clients, a key driver in Client Relationship Management (CRM) and client retention
  • Builds rapport - shows your clients you are thinking of them and their best interests
  • A professionally presented publication with quality material that saves you time and money
  • A form of marketing that is fast, effective and very easy to implement

Access for members

The ABN Business Bulletin is delivered to your inbox seasonally and can also be downloaded from the ABN Member Centre at your own convenience. Published in PDF Form, it is downloadable onto your desktop. Follow the three simple steps and in no time at all you can have a Business Bulletin personalised with your business details and a personal message. Then simply click & send or print & mail to your client list.

Bookkeeper Workshops & Seminars

Upgrade your knowledge and business skills!

Take a minute to step away from the daily operations of your business in order to focus on the big picture!

ABN hosts workshops and seminars around Australia that enable bookkeepers to stay on top of key industry and business issues. They feature expert guest speakers and are also an excellent local networking opportunity as they are open to both members and non-members and usually involve a large number of participants in each city.

Leading the bookkeeping industry with innovative ideas and practical business solutions is what makes ABN the preferred choice for self-employed bookkeepers in Australia.


  • Stay abreast of industry happenings and ABN's products & services
  • Learn key skills which impact you and your business directly
  • Network with your bookkeeping colleagues from your local area
  • Accumulate CPE hours

Access for members

Roadshows are open to both members and non-members. ABN will promote upcoming events by way of email and website news updates.

Coffee Clubs

Meet your peers, build relationships, create networks!

Bookkeepers can often be found working in isolation, without the assistance or support of their industry peers. Online support is one thing, but having another bookkeeper to talk with face-to-face is quite another! Now you can find and connect with other bookkeepers closer to home.

As their name suggests, ABN Coffee Clubs gather like-minded individuals together to discuss relevant topics, over a lovely hot cup of coffee (or other beverage of your choice). Each club is hosted by a Network Leader - an ABN member with a wealth of knowledge and expertise and the desire to share it with others. The Network Leader will supply a range of current and relevant topics in order to help you keep up-to-date with industry news and technical information. However, since the meetings are a relaxed affair, attendees are more than welcome to bring along any issues they feel they could use help with.

ABN is committed to providing a support network for bookkeepers, allowing them to connect with each other, and stay abreast of industry developments.


  • Meet other bookkeepers in your local area
  • Build professional networks and relationships
  • Learn from others, get support, share your knowledge
  • Keep up-to-date with industry news
  • Accumulate CPE hours
  • Have fun!

Access for members

ABN Coffee Clubs are open to everyone, including non-members. If you are considering joining and would like to learn more about ABN directly from its members, Coffee Clubs are a great place to start. Simply visit the Events page to find your nearest club, or email us at info@austbook.net

Conference - The Bookkeeper Event

Discover, share & connect at the biggest event of its kind!

Held biennially at different venues around Australia and running for 2-3 days at a time, ABN Conference is a unique learning and networking experience specifically tailored for bookkeepers.

The conference is quality content-driven and typically focuses on both business building and technical issues. In addition to ABN speakers, there are a range of external guest speakers from government departments, private enterprise and other industry partners.

ABN is committed to providing high quality resources to its members for the betterment of the individual as well as the whole. By bringing together industry experts and key stakeholders, ABN conference provides unparalleled opportunity to learn and network. With nothing else like it held in Australia, if there's one event not to be missed, it's this one!


  • Discover business insights relevant to bookkeepers at any stage of the business cycle
  • Share in the knowledge of experts and the experience of your peers
  • Connect with your colleagues and other industry professionals
  • Accumulate CPE hours

Access for members

ABN Conference is open to both members and non-members. Tickets go on sale approximately six months in advance. ABN will promote upcoming events by way of email and website news updates. If you are not an ABN member but would like to be kept informed about ABN news and events, please subscribe to our mailing list by clicking here.


Reach new heights by benchmarking!

ABN's Bookkeeping Business Benchmark Survey is performed annually and is the largest survey of its kind in the industry. More than just a profiling study, the survey captures important financial data, enabling ABN to draw a full picture of the Bookkeeping industry landscape and helping Bookkeepers to have a better understanding of the key drivers behind great performance across a number of KPIs.

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • What levels of net income are bookkeepers generating?
  • What rates are being charged for different service offerings?
  • How does my business compare to other bookkeeping businesses?

These are just a few of the questions answered by the Bookkeeping Business Benchmark Report. The report also includes the formulas and critical measures to help bookkeepers analyse their business and compare it to the industry standards and benchmarks.

The Bookkeeping Business Benchmark Report should be considered essential reading for any bookkeeper wanting to secure their real worth in the financial services industry.


  • Learn about the bookkeeping industry landscape, including who your competitors are, what they're charging, and what services they're offering
  • Analyse your own business and its performance
  • Set benchmarks for your business and reach new heights!

Access for members

The Bookkeeping Business Benchmark Report is a free resource for members to download.



ABN offers periodic webinars on a range of timely topics, such as:

  • Preparing for end of financial year
  • How to grow your business
  • Superstream
  • $20,000 instant asset write-off
  • The future of the bookkeeping industry

ABN webinars are most often held live, with the recorded version emailed out to participants afterwards.


  • Continuing professional education—BAS agents can accumulate CPE with most ABN webinars.
  • Keep up to date with both technical and topical issues.
  • Flexible and convenient—learn in your own home or office, and watch recordings at a time that's convenient to you.
  • Discounted for ABN members.

Access for members

ABN webinars are sold via ABN Shop. To receive their discount, members need to log into the ABN Member Centre prior to purchase

Ready to join ABN? — Just $49.50 per month
Join ABN Or, call 1300 856 710

Benefits of ABN Membership

Experience benefits like nowhere else with ABN. Explore all the products and services which make up your membership

Join Today To Access Vital Support & Essential Tools for Bookkeepers

ABN Membership is just $49.50 per month or $594.00 per annum.

Why become an ABN Member?

Australian Bookkeepers Network is the #1 professional bookkeepers organisation among Australia's bookkeeping community.
Not only will you enjoy these great benefits as an ABN member, you’ll also receive free membership to the Australian Bookkeepers Association (ABA) which is recognised by the Tax Practitioners Board.

Compare the benefits ABN Member ABA Member
Professional BAS Agent Association through ABA
Reduction in Relevant Experience hours from 1400 to 1000 hours through ABA
Representing the needs of bookkeepers to Government through ABA
Training and Education through ABA
Hundreds of hours of CPE for Bookkeepers -
Personalised CPE Register and Guide -
Online Coffee Club Technical Webinar -
Bookkeeper Radio Technical Webinar Recordings -
Technical Webinars -
Payroll Resources -
ABN Helpline Support -
Engagement Letter Templates -
Bookkeeping Templates (Range of Best Practice Templates) -
Bookkeeping Checklists -
Business Building Tools -
Business Building Templates -
Industry Benchmark Report -
ABN Partner Discounts -
Insurance Discounts -
Networking Events -
Discounted Conference Tickets -
Marketplace to advertise your services -
In person Coffee Clubs around the country -

ABN’s comprehensive range of services and products offers valuable bookkeeping support and help for bookkeepers, and the essential tools and information for running their bookkeeping businesses. Learn more about each of our services and products below and see how joining ABN can benefit your and your business!

Save valuable time!

Experience membership benefits like nowhere else with ABN. Browse this section to learn more. Online live chat available. Call 1300 856 710

Read more

Get help!

Through one-on-one communication with professional accountants, fast and reliable troubleshooting is only a click away! Get all the technical support you need by having your bookkeeping questions answered through our online ABN Helpline. You will wonder how you ever lived without us.

Read more

Build your business!

Why not offer more than just bookkeeping services? Expand your business model and take full advantage of the extra revenue streams ABN BAS provide. You will be amazed at how much extra revenue you can earn by offering your clients more and you will strengthen your relationship with your client in the process.

Read more

Be in the know!

Never go searching for technical information or industry news again! ABN leverages our relationship with government bodies to keep you well informed; ABN's Bookkeepers Knowledge Base provide information on topics that matter most to you. Complementing these publications is The Buzz, our up-to-the-minute newsletter which delivers important industry news directly to your inbox. You'll never be behind on important issues and information affecting your business again.

Read more

Build client relationships!

Building and maintaining successful client relationships is the cornerstone of your business. However, maintaining regular communication with all your clients can be tricky and time-consuming. Introducing the ABN Business Bulletin - a quality newsletter that you can personalise and send out to your clients. Developed quarterly by ABN, the bulletin offers easy reading and insightful financial articles that your clients can relate to regardless of their industry.

Read more

Learn bookkeeping best practices!

Don't sit there wondering what should be done next - take your bookkeeping practice to new standards of professionalism with ABN's My Bookkeeping Business. The My Bookkeeping Business offers a vast range of tools and resources to help you better manage your business, allowing you to maximise efficiency and productivity, increase profits, and ultimately extract the most from your business!

Read more

Never feel lonely!

The art of bookkeeping can sometimes have us feeling isolated. That's why ABN has created a community where bookkeepers can connect! Meet other like-minded people and share your knowledge at your local ABN Coffee Club. ABN makes it easy for bookkeepers to build their own professional network of industry peers.

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Upgrade your skills with bookkeeping tips and tricks!

Don't sit there wondering what should be done next - take your bookkeeping practice to new standards of professionalism with ABN's My Bookkeeping Business. The My Bookkeeping Business offers a vast range of tools and resources to help you better manage your business, allowing you to maximise efficiency and productivity, increase profits, and ultimately extract the most from your business!

Read more

Save money & benefit from our Member Extras!

Being an ABN member comes with a range of privileges, including access to exclusive discounts! Take advantage of special offers from our wide range of strategic partners! These offers are not available to the public and offer unbelievable savings across a range of products and services!

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Explore the full range of bookkeeping support, tools & resources for ABN Members.

ABN membership provides unrestricted access to everything that sole traders and small business owners need to provide professional bookkeeping services and operate successfully. This support includes the ABN Helpline (which enables you to access professional help and technical support from qualified accountants and ABN representatives), and the Bookkeepers Knowledge Base (BKB) library (a series of technical guides containing relevant information, written and tailored for bookkeepers, and can be referred to at any time).

The professional bookkeeping support ABN Members can access also includes special offers and discounts on products and services from premium suppliers which aren't available to the general public. These products and services include cyber security for bookkeepers, bookkeeper assessments (enabling you to assess bookkeeper job candidates), payroll compliance advice, secure hosting, budgeting and cashflow forecasting software, HR support and more.

ABN Helpline

Get help when you need it!

Bookies Bulletin

Industry news and issues that affect you!

Bookkeepers Knowledge Base

The technical support you need!

My Bookkeeping Business

Develop better business practice!

GST & PAYG Ready Reckoner

Get clever with your coding!

Members Only Facebook Group

Join the online bookkeeping community!

The Buzz

Stay updated on industry issues that matter most!

Getting Technical

Get it right!

Business Bulletin

Build stronger Client Relationships!

Bookkeeper Workshops & Seminars

Upgrade your knowledge and business skills!

Coffee Clubs

Meet your peers, build relationships, create networks!

Conference - THE Bookkeeper Event

Discover, share & connect at the biggest event of its kind!


Reach new heights by benchmarking!

