Does your business need a bookkeeper?

Are you a business owner or operator who's considering outsourcing your bookkeeping? Then you’re in the right place!

Read on to discover the benefits of outsourcing your bookkeeping to a qualified professional. Find out what to look for in a bookkeeper, what skills they have, and how a bookkeeper can help you run a more successful, profitable business.

10 reasons to outsource your bookkeeping

Leveraging time is the goal of most smart business operators. Leveraging your time in business means that you achieve many tasks with the least personal input, thus reserving your time for the most important parts of your business.

Outsourcing is a powerful business tool for those committed to leveraging their time. Done well, it brings significant benefits to your business.

Consider the following 10 reasons to outsource your business’s bookkeeping.

Outsourcing will:

  1. Free you and your key personnel's time, enabling you to focus on your core business.
  2. Save you money. A contract bookkeeper is significantly more efficient at dealing with bookkeeping issues and accounting software. This efficiency means the cost of you performing your own bookkeeping is likely to be higher. The opportunity cost (due to your time being spent on bookkeeping) may be significant again.
  3. Offer you the ability to tap into a bookkeepers knowledge base not available internally.
  4. Give you peace of mind knowing that you've have complied with your legislative obligations.
  5. Enable efficient dealings with the Tax Office, including BAS lodgements.
  6. Improve your financial reporting abilities, thus improving your access to key information with which to run your business.
  7. Allow you to leverage the bookkeeper’s software knowledge, ensuring that you’re using the best software applications for your business.
  8. Streamline your accountant’s role by providing them with better information, which in turn saves you more money.
  9. Give you access to specialist services including payroll, software installation & training, debtor management, cash flow planning, management reporting, and troubleshooting.
  10. Provide better continuity of service when compared with casual employees, and a flexible service that can be readily scaled up or down, ensuring you only pay for what you are using.

Thus, when deciding whether or not to find a bookkeeper, start by asking yourself these three questions:

  1. Will outsourcing my bookkeeping free up time and resources that I can allocate to more appropriate and/or more important work?
  2. Is bookkeeping the best way for me to spend my time?
  3. Can someone else do my bookkeeping better and faster than me?

MYTH #1 I don’t need to outsource because I can do it myself

Outsourcing has nothing to do with your ability to perform the function yourself. You outsource because you have made a conscious decision as to which functions are of the highest value to you and the best use of your time.

MYTH #2 It’s cheaper if I do it myself

Rarely is this the case. Consider the raw costs involved in performing a task in house compared with outsourcing. If you accept that an expert is more efficient than you (or your in-house option), then consider the cost of the extra time you spend performing the function. For example, if the expert is 50% faster than you and you spend $50 for one hour’s worth of the outsourced function, then divide $50 by 150 (1 plus 50%) and you have valued your time at $37.50 to do the same task. But perhaps the greatest fallacy is considering only the raw cost of the function. What is the opportunity cost resulting from you devoting your time to a function and jobs that you could outsource to a bookkeeping professional? Invariably, outsourcing the task to a professional and devoting the time you save to sales and marketing, customer and supplier relations, or strategic planning will yield a better return on your time.

MYTH #3 It’s faster if I do it myself

Unless you're a skilled operator of software and have a detailed working knowledge of tax and GST laws, then rarely will it be cheaper to do your bookkeeping yourself.

MYTH #4 The job is only done right if I do it myself

As much as we hate to admit it, sometimes we don’t know everything. And unfortunately, it is also the case that we don’t know what we don’t know! We might think we're doing a sterling job but if we do not understand the tax and GST laws or the intricacies of bookkeeping software, we might be making inadvertent mistakes or even dealing with our bookkeeping at a suboptimal level.

MYTH #5 It’s too hard to find a bookkeeping expert to outsource the job to

Finding a good bookkeeper doesn’t have to be difficult—as long as you’re looking in the right places. If you're trying to find a bookkeeper to outsource bookkeeping jobs and function to, here are some good places to start:

  • The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). Bookkeepers who render services that deal with your BAS-related liabilities must register with the TPB, the regulatory body for tax practitioners in Australia. Once registered, the bookkeeper is known as a ‘BAS agent’. The TPB maintains a listing of BAS agents on their website (, and this is a great place to start to find someone qualified, or to ensure the person you’ve found is qualified.
  • Industry organisations like us, Australian Bookkeepers Network (ABN). Simply jump over to our Marketplace to find a bookkeeper and search for bookkeepers in your area, or post a job ad.
  • Your colleagues. Word-of-mouth is a common source of referrals in the bookkeeping industry, so be sure ask your colleagues, and even your friends and relatives, if they can recommend a good bookkeeper.